
Friday, October 27, 2023

"I Know He Didn't Say Any of It. Saint Paisios Was Not a Terrorist." (Metr. Athanasios of Limassol)

A few days before the feast of Saint Demetrios, Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol spoke at the Church of Saint Demetrios in Thessaloniki, answering the questions of the faithful in attendance. Among the things he spoke about, were certain "prophecies" of Saint Paisios the Athonite that circulate every now and then, especially during periods of distress and disaster. This is an excerpt of what he said specifically of one source of such prophecies that he was acquainted with:

"I also hear a lot and various things that Father Paisios supposedly said to many who saw him and he supposedly told them...and that person...and another. I confess to you that he said nothing of all that they say. I say this with all responsibility and honesty. With all the power of sincerity from my high priestly status. I lived 16 years with this Elder. A certain brother who says every now and then 'Elder Paisios told me this... he told me that...,' I assure you he never said these things to him.

I was with him when he saw him. I took him there. He saw him 3 or 4 times. I was always present. Elder Paisios said nothing of all this. He didn't say any of it. The things that are circulating on YouTube and in all these places I also see them, people show them to me. All lies. Fallacies. He didn't say any of it."

When asked why they do this, the Metropolitan said:

"Some to create followers. Others because they are sick themselves, while others because they like it. I don't know. I know he didn't say any of it. Saint Paisios was not a terrorist. That is, for 16 years we know very well what the Elder was saying and what his spirit was like, and its as if I am the one who is delusional.

The monastery where he lived and died, the sisters there are very balanced, they have a very good stance, and yet they went astray and all his spiritual children went astray?"

Source: Translation by John Sanidopoulos.